Thursday, March 28, 2024

Sustainability, Day Tickets and Ticketmaster

 We have a lot of news!!!


Can you please help share this on FB, Instagram, and What's App. 



Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Vagrants - Alone - Vidoe

 On The Vagrants upcoming gigs that I have just made events for. We have decided to play 2 sets on this tour. When possible, the first will be acoustic, and chilled out. The stuff we never get to play at a “Stadtfest” or places that just want to ROCK. Which is also fun, but we never get to play the slow stuff, and this year we definitely will.

I just put this song up 30 seconds ago. I will try to put up some chilled out songs on Youtube, because that is where a lot of people look.
Off I go with my first video edit. It’s shit, I know, but I will get better. Give me a break!!!