Tuesday, May 10, 2022

SRF - PRE-SALE Tickets

Massive thanks to all involved. Renate Iorio, Thomas Henfling, Thomas and Ilona Schneider, volunteers, musicians, and people that drank beer. the money went to the children in need in the Ukraine. Also, just WOW, there were some really great pictures from the Ukrainian Children's Benefit, May 1st, 2022, in Sinntal, Altengronau
Most pictures are up on FB
or message me for some if you want them.

Now, I can concentrate on the next big thing. 

123 days until the

Sinner Rock Festival

We're gonna go, go, go
PRE-SALE Tickets

There is still room in the grounds for clubs (Vereins) to join in to make money for their verein. We don't charge them for the service, it is a community benefit. So, no large companies please.